Welcome to the libraries & the Learning Resource Centre
Our libraries are part of the reading promotion programme at the DSL. The carefully stocked collections offer reading material for every taste. Competitions, book tables and exhibitions on specific topics encourage pupils to take out books.
The librarians in the LRC are experts for scientific research and correct bibliography and are available to advise students, e.g. when writing their own papers. Their support helps students to get started their independent, reflective and well-researched academic work successfully.

There are books and picture books to read aloud in all group rooms in the Kinderhaus.

Primary School
Primary school classes have class libraries. Children can choose from a wide range of books in the corridors of the elementary school and in the common rooms. Years 1 & 2 have their own library, which focuses on first-time readers. From Year 3 onwards, the pupils use their own area in the learning center in the main building and get to familiarise themselves with a secondary school facility.

Secondary School
The librarians in the learning resource centre are experts in scientific research and are available to advise students, e.g. when conducting research for class. In this way, they can get started with independent, reflective and well-versed academic work.
We offer a varied collection, which is regularly updated, to book worms and all those who would like to become one.

"We like to meet in the LRC for group work. I also take advantage of the opportunity to get advice on research. Sometimes I come here to study undisturbed."
Once a week, we offer a study evening for Years 11 and 12. On this day, the learning centre is open until 7pm.

Christina Gruber
Silja Johnson
LibrarianWould you like to find out more?
The collections complemented by textbooks and other work materials are compiled in collaboration with the subject teams. In many subjects, the use of the learning centre is integrated into lessons and pupils learn to carry out independent research.
Our book collection is digitally recorded and can be accessed via the online catalogue by title or keyword. Book titles can be reserved or loan periods extended via this portal.
We also stock magazines, DVDs and offer access to research databases such as JSTOR.
Text books
Textbook lists are available after registration in the closed area of the website or directly from the librarians upon request.
Text books for the Primary School are provided by the school and invoiced for separately.
Many text books for the Secondary school are provided on a loan basis.
We offer our pupils quiet work areas as well as spaces for group work, self study as well as reading corners for relaxation, the option of evening use and furniture which can be arranged as required. There are eight PC workstations available.
Additional offers
The library team supports students in their subject-related research and academic work, e.g. in finding suitable sources, avoiding plagiarism, citing correctly and creating lists of sources.
The library team is also happy to recommend books, regularly organises book tables on various topics, offers book and reading competitions and informs students about current developments in the field of literature.
Opening times
7:30am - 5:00pm.
Once a week we offer a study evening for Years 11 and 12. On this day, the learning resource centre is open until 7pm.