School sports is a key element in the education of children and young people. It provides them with a balance to academic demands and encourages them to lead a healthy lifestyle in their free time. The ability to work in a team and fair play are also taught in sports lessons. We offer a wide-ranging sports programme, which consists of sports lessons, club activities and team training. Our modern, large sports hall with dance studio and the extensive outdoor facilities provide an ideal environment for a wide-ranging sports programme. Since 2024, a newly built Multi Games Arena (MUGA) completes the provisions.

"I'm a member of the ISSA volleyball team. We go to tournaments abroad, I was in Madrid. The trip brought our team closer together. It was fun to represent the DSL and the training was definitely worth it!"
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PE in the Kinderhaus
All Kinderhaus groups have a weekly sports lesson in the dance studio.
PE in the Primary School
The following skills are promoted in PE lessons:
- Body awareness
- PlayingRunning, jumping, throwing
- Movement on equipment
- Dancing, performing
- Movement arts (e.g. pantomimes, dancing with chiffon scarves
- Riding, rolling, gliding (e.g. roller boards, carpet tiles)
- Trend sports, regional sports, experiential education
The focus is on having fun with different forms of exercise, developing body awareness and health education.
PE in the SEK I
The focus is on learning new sports and improving skills in various sports. Ball sports are particularly popular in this age group; we play football, handball, basketball, volleyball and badminton, among others. Athletics, dance units, fitness training and gymnastics are also on the curriculum. The lessons are designed to motivate children to take part in sport as an integral part of their everyday lives, even in their free time.
Students take specific courses focussed on one sport in the first three semesters. These include rowing, various ball sports, table tennis, dance and athletics. There is also a ski trip and a climbing course to choose from.
Tournaments & Competitions
The PE departments of the Primary and Secondary schools regularly organise participation in tournaments with other schools. The DSL takes part in the Richmond Cross Country Challenge, the European Games with other German schools abroad and the Great River Race. As part of the extracurricular programme, Secondary School pupils aged 14 and over train specifically for participation in ISSA tournaments.
ISSA Tournaments
We are a long-standing member of the International Schools Sport Association (ISSA). Participation in ISSA training is open to pupils aged 14 and over. Tournaments take place in Madrid, Aberdeen, Ankara, Barcelona and London and the surrounding area. The main guiding principles of the organisation are cultural exchange (living with host families, welcoming guest students, high-level sporting competition and the teaching of fairness and sporting behaviour.